Are TV’s susceptible to spyware? Wikileaks thinks so!

There has been another set of documents released by Wikileaks describing how  MI5 and the CIA worked together to deploy spyware capable of accessing Internet connected TV’s and phones. Whilst most of us have nothing to hide from the Government , many of these exploits are described in detail and the thought of any spying on individuals within their homes may worry some. Whilst I don’t expect MI5 to be interested in watching me eat my cornflakes whilst sat in my underpants I still do not like the thought that it could be done.  I would also have issues with anyone watching my children within my home.

There is of course the concern over industrial espionage and the ability to access confidential documents and data but this probably the lesser of the concerns for most of us.


The BBC article below describes how many household and personal devices have been compromised.

>>BBC Wikileaks article<<

Most of the vendors have released statements but the best advice is to make sure you keep your devices up to date.