Secure your Employee and Customer Data

Do you know where all your personal data is for employees & customers?

I’ve come across a lot of assumptions around IT security, especially in the SMB space.
It’s remarkable how credit card information can accidentally end up posted in social media and how customers personal information is left around the office.

I wanted to write a little something on the subject to and if possible, get some feedback from people on their experiences around this subject. Although I appreciate 
how tricky this could be, I thought it would be worth a try.

Some points for thought:

  1. How confident are you that you know where all your personal data is?
  2. Do you know who has accesses to it and when they accessed it and why?
  3. Are you comfortable with “I’m sure our IT guy has it sorted” when considering General Data Protection Regulations (DGPR)?
  4. Do you find messaging around Cyber Security and GDPR in clear and straight forward?
  5. Do you know what questions to ask to make sure you’re covered?

Any thoughts on this would be great to hear from you.