Training – Understanding the cost of a cyber incident to a small business

We know GDPR and cyber security were talked about non-stop last year, so you’ve probably read articles, been to seminars, discussed with colleagues, amended your data protection policies, and considered your IT security. But what those articles, seminars and news items didn’t talk about last year are the overall costs and what a cyber incident will physically look like in your business environment.

MDI Networks and Philip Gibbs Insurance Brokers are collaborating to present a friendly 90 minute session, geared towards demonstrating how to protect your CASH and show the real financial implications of a data breach, malware, a denial of service attack, data loss…… and more.

The events are short and to the point with practical discussion on how these incidents occur and what the costs to your business could look like. The venue for this seminar is Fort Purbrook, one of Portsmouth’s stunning Victorian forts built in 1862-70. If you have time there is a 45minute guided tour of the Fort at the end. 

Content Includes:

  • Real Cyber Attack examples and the costs incurred by the businesses
  • Unexpected consequences of a cyber incident
  • Tips on how to reduce your risk and mitigate damages

You will leave with:

  • Employee Cyber Emergency preparedness survey
  • Tricks to Recognise Spam Emails poster
  • Data Breach Response Policy template
  • 2018 Cyber Security Breaches Survey

Seminar Dates:

Thursday 2nd May 09:30 at Fort Purbrook

Friday 10th May 09:30 at Fort Purbrook

Booking your place:

Tickets can be booked on for £20 per person. (The event ID is 59287024085)